Easy To Customize: Easy to create gauges with different looks and feels then arrange them any way you see fit. A special locking mode ensures you don’t accidentally move something while racing and day/night modes to control brightness.
Powerful Gauges: Set your min/max and target areas so you know if the needles are in the green and 12 o’clock you’re good to go. Custom color warnings for high or low conditions ensure you don’t ignore potential problems.
Multiple Pages: Swipe left or right to view different pages of gauges. Create one for warming up the car and one for launching the car which only shows the pertinent information the driver needs to have without overwhelming them with too much data.

Easy To Mount: The dash is 10″ wide and has mounting brackets that allow you to either mount it flat on a panel or to flush mount it making a much cleaner installation.
Backup Camera: Triggered when you hit the backup button or reverse, the first of its kind backup camera allows you to ensure you don’t run over anyone on the starting line or hit things in the pits.