The RaceBase is hands down the best drag racing software on the market. We have spent a lot of time making the software as easy and intuitive to use as possible. We like to compare it to Microsoft Word; the first time you see it, it was probably overwhelming, but once you get used to it you realize how easy it is. With RaceBase we don’t clutter up things with too many options and things work the way you would expect them to. The learning curve will be short with the RaceBase logbook and there are even video tutorials built in for easy reference.

This logbook program has been designed by racers for racers. We make the process of adding a run after a pass as streamlined and as quick as possible. The logbook itself is also customizable and gives you the ability to create multiple different views to look at your data. Having a view that focuses on the launch, and a view that focuses on the tune up and another for suspsension, allows you the ability to truly connect the dots and understand what is happening in your car and how each change you make truly effects it.

When it comes to ET prediction, there is no one size fits all solution and you really do need to be customizing a formula for your particular car. All you have to do is understand how much a weather variable has to change before your car moves a hunderth (.01) and then update that in your prediction formula. We even have a Variable Effect on ET tool that will allow you to compare two runs and see how sensitive your car was to a speicific variable. If you then punch that value into your prediction then you have customized your formula for your car, with data from your car.
We have multiple formulas including ones from Luke Bogaki at This is Elite Bracket Racing but we typically recommend starting with the custom 1/8 or 1/4 formulas. This uses only 3 variables, Performance Altitude (overall air quality), Humidity Grains (moisture for day/night) and Head Wind. If you can understand how your car reacts to these 3 variables then you will have tremendous success.

Having all of these ET prediction formulas are great, but how do you know which one you should be using for your car? Our Prediction Report Card allows you to know exactly which prediction formula is working best for your specific car. RaceBase will simulate each of your past events and give you a Report Card with a letter grade indicating how well each formula did.
One of the best aspects of the report card is the ability to twek a formula, save it and it will then redo the Report Card. If the grades improved then you have now improved a formula that works better your car and you have a tremendous amount of confidence going into your next event. When you are at the race track, and about to second guess yourself like usual, you realize that you have already done the prediction work the best you could earlier in the week and have confidence in what it says, lowering your stress level and allowing you to focus on driving.

There are multiple tuning tools available including a Run Completer and our powerful Variable Effect on ET tool. This allows you to compare two seperate runs and then determine how sensitive your car is to a certain variable. You can then take that number value and input it into your formula and you have then customized a prediction formula for your car, based on your cars data. We only want to use this tool on passes where a single variable changed, like a change from day to night where the humidity grains kick in.

You MUST adjust your tune up throughout the season to get the most out of the RaceBase software. The reason for this is because as the season changes, the amount of air available to burn decreases. If you do not change the amount of fuel to compensate then you end up getting richer and richer as the weather gets worse. The richer you are the more you react to weather changes, meaning your prediction formula you perfected in the spring won’t work as well in the summer if you don’t adjust your jetting. RaceBase has the ability to do Holley, Precision Jetting and 33mm and 42mm Mikuni for the Jr. Dragsters.

We know you have plenty of things to do in between rounds, so we have streamlined the process of adding a run after a pass. By using pre-loaded variables, we don’t have to enter every value for every run and we just need to input the ET slip information, update any variables that we changed from the last pass and hit submit. Each category will have it’s own widget so it’s clear which sections you need to edit. The whole process can take less than a minute to add a run and get a new ET prediciton. We also recognize that how you add information after a run may be different than how you want to view it, so you have the ability to have a differnet view just for adding a run as fast and easy as possible.

Everything about RaceBase is customizable, including what variables you are keeping track of. You will first create a variable for every single thing on the car that can be changed. The majority of these variables will be considered “pre-loaded” meaning it will grab the value of the previous run each time we add a new run. This allows us to keep track of every single thing on the car for each pass easily. We then group these variables into difffernt categores like Carb, Clutch, Suspension in order to keep everything organized and easy to view. We also have calculated variables that allow you to perform custom math on existing variables for each pass.

The RaceBase software was designed specifically to work with the RaceAir Cloud weather station. You can utilize the software without a RaceAir Cloud but it will require you to manually type in the weather after each pass and you will not be able to get live and up to date ET predictions in the staging lanes. One of the major benefits of the RaceAir Cloud is that it is running and logging a sample of the weather for every minute. When you go to add a run, you type in the time and it is then able to get the weather from that exact minute you went down the track.
RaceBase is NOT compatible with any other weather station besides the RaceAir Cloud. You can manually type in weather from another weather station but only the Cloud can stream weather into the RaceBase.
At Computech, we have been running Jr. Dragsters with Rowans Racing and have applied an enourmous amount of knowledge to the RaceBase program. Included is a easy to customize Jr. Dragster specific prediction formula that will help you get a handle on the wind changes. The Mukuni tuning program will keep your car tuned the same week in and week out and even offers multiple jets and air ranges to make choosing the right jet for an event easier. And our weight index formula allows you to move weight in and out to hit that 7.90, 8.90 and 11.90 indexes.
For throttle stop we utilize a simple interface to easily fine tune your throttle stop predictions. We also have the ability to grade your throttle stop prediction in our Prediction Report Card.
Just as the previous generation of this software, the RaceBase Logbook Edition comes with the ability to connect to any RaceAir Cloud weather station. It will allow you to easily save a weather day, keeps a table and graph of each variable and allows you to pull up these older weather files to review whenever you would like. With the RaceAir Cloud you also have the ability to send ET Predictions to your phone through text messages or through a dedicated pager.

The find run feature is another very powerful tool that allows you to create and save a search for quick reference in the future. We’ve taken it a step further and allow you to create a search based on your most recent run. So if you’d like to save a search that shows you all of the runs where the weather was within 50 feet of your last pass you can. You can also combine multiple search parameters to create very detailed and valuable search results.

The Maintenance feature allows you keep track of exactly how many runs you have on each maintenance item and will auto increment for each pass that car makes. If an item has reached the warn level it will let you know when you first open the software and if max is reached will remind you after each pass. Each time you service an item, it is recorded in your Service Log so you can easily go back and see exactly when you change the oil or tires.

RaceBase has the ability to do up to 4 different cars and all 4 can predict and send prediction information to the staging lanes at the same time. We utilize a logbook color for each car as a unique way of identifying and recognizing which car you are looking at. If you select Red, not only will every widget header be red but each category divider in your logbook will have a red background, instantly letting you know which cars data you are looking at. As you can have as many prediction formulas as you want, each car will also have their own custom formula you will be fine tuning.

A computer program like RaceBase is incredibly powerful, however, sometimes it’s nice to just have a paper copy to look at. For that reason we have a print button that will allow you to print your logbook and it will print in whatever view you have selected.
You will find that once you start using the RaceBase, you can’t imagine going to the race track without it. It will become your base of operations for racing and have all of the information you need to race, so loosing that data would be devastating. For that reason, we have an automatic database backup system and easy restore that allows you to never loose your data or transfer to another computer if needed.
When you purchase a RaceAir Cloud or purchase the RaceBase software, you will receive 1-Year free subsciption to RaceBase. After the year is over you will need to renew your subsciption at $100 per year. If you do not renew your subsciption, you will not be able to add/edit runs or predict but you will still be able to view all of your data.
We understand that a yearly subsciption can be a problem for many of our users, but we have little choice in the matter. We are constantly improving the software and adding new features as well as being available to our customers in the evenings and weekends for technical support. This subscription allows us to keep making RaceBase better for you and to be there anytime you need us.
We have gone the extra mile and included a help video tutorial for each of the widget options available. If you are on Add Run and have a questions, simply hit the Help button and a video specifically for Add Run will automatically play. We also have multiple YouTube video tutorials and webinars that cover a wide variety of topics. And if you ever have trouble and can’t figure it out, we have the best technical support in drag racing. You can reach us in the evenings and weekends through text, phone and email and we also have the ability to remote into your computer and walk through things together. This support and dedication to our customers is what makes a Computech customer a customer for life.