- Added Wind Gust as a weather variable. This is not meant to be used in a prediction formula but instead to explain why a pass might have been slow or fast
- Added the Quick Entry feature to adding an ET Slip. Enable by going to Cars
- Bug Fix: Improved the automatic run completion
- Added graphing ability to prediction report card
- Implemented the Graphing feature
- Typing ‘waterGrains’ into advanced will toggle between the Water Grains and Humidity Grains. Water has no decimal points.
- Bug Fix: Fixed where the predictions would sometimes not update correctly. Usually if a weather tab was to the left of the prediction tab
- Added ability to use sunlight in prediction and report card
- Changed default custom predictions to 210 perfAlt which is identical to single run no wind
- Changed the expired text from saying renew subscription to $100 Software
- Improved accuracy of Mikuni 42mm tuning program
- Implemented “Adjust 60 Foot” option in cars and prediction. Go to cars to click on the checkbox to Enable 60′ Prediction Adjustment.
- No changes for users
- RaceBase will now notify you of program updates via a button in the top right corner.
- Implemented ability for user to change the rollingAverage Window related to sampling weather in the Advanced Settings
- Implemented Celsius option in Advanced Settings
- Modified dial strategy to use a real range instead of standard deviation
- Bug Fix: Email .csv output is now correct
- Changed find feature to sort every result by showing latest to the left
- Final features and fixes to new dial strategy feature
- Bug Fix: Cars saving throughout the program, specifically tech info and dial strategy
- Bug Fix: Tracks clear out old tracks info before showing the new track info
- Bug Fix: Wind Chill customers can now re-order their graphs
- Bug Fix: Creating a custom variable was not allowing a number to input, now it can
- Implemented the dial strategies and prediction average window feature
- Added C12 fuel type
- Bug Fix: Crew Chief and Racepak weather integration fix
- Full Release of R/T Reader Feature
- Beta Release of R/T Reader
- Bug Fix: Fixed variable double saving when modifying et slip variables
- Added Dry Barometer as a weather option
- Bug Fix: Added validation to variable calculation field to check for variable names and operators
- Bug Fix: Crew Chief Pro users can now run both programs simultaneously and use the crew chief button to choose their predictions to page over ours
- Bug Fix: Fixed the rare situation where predictions could page a tab that was just closed
- Added Notes Widget for the first time
- Added Interval to advanced options
- Bug Fix: Fixed the prediction report card in regards to weight and throttle stop predictions
- Implemented Standard Day feature in Tune Up options
- New inputModal allows user to put in what they thought it ran when no runs in database
- Run Completer DB: Limits run completer database to 10 most recently input runs
- New clear run completer database button now next above the table of runs
- Temperature can now read down to -50 for our snowmobiler customers
- Prevented adding the same category or variable twice to the same view or category
- Bug Fix: Restore backup correctly inputs in car 2 and 3 now
- Protected the automated deleteAllDatabases with a confirmation message first. Should fix random db deletes
- Possibly fixed the NaN prediction problem
- Typing in AM will convert it to am now
- Fixed multi car paging spacing issue
- Added Q16 Fuel Type
- Bug Fix: You can no longer delete temp, humid, press, windDir and windSpeed from weather category as the program needs it to function properly
- Calculated variables can now be set by simply putting in the calculation allowing you to set the number of decimals
- Advanced Options: Changed debug mode to advanced options and gave an approved dropdown list that will input the correct text in
- Fixed fresh install problem as well as changing between weather and logbook editions works better
- Fixed date picker to have Sunday first like an American calendar should be
- Implemented multiple run prediction
- Automatic timestamped backups each program start
- Bug Fix: Add Run – Preloaded fields were only filling out first word, fixed.
- Bug Fix: Multi Car – Creates a new tab based on the car the last tab was on.
- Subscription service implemented.
- Added the ability to grade throttle stop and variable weight changes in the prediction report cared
- Uses a rolling 60 second average when reporting temp, humid and pressure now
- Temp now at 1 decimal, humidity at 1 deicmal, grains at 1 decimal and pressure at 2 decimals
- Added Q16 and X16 fuels
- Add a USB Driver Install Wizard
- Removed the top program bar giving more room for the logbook
- Compound weather graph now updates once a minute and shows the last 3 hours worth of data
- Bug Fix: Fixes the slow to load and freezing that occured only on v2.4.8 to 2.4.10
- Improved the calibration detection and repair
- If you are running any software between 2.4.0 and 2.4.9, please update to 2.4.10 for improved reliability
- Significantly improved the weather station communication reliability
- If you are running any software between 2.4.0 and 2.4.9, please update to 2.4.10 for improved reliability
- If using this version please update to at least 2.4.9
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue with alert on units with bad calibrations
- If using this version please update to at least 2.4.9
- Moved to a passive alert system that wont tie up the program when you get an alert (Caused issue in some units with calibration problems)
- Improved the calibration detection
- Improved paging reliability over extended periods of time
- Added auto timestamped backups when you hit Check For Updates
- Bug Fix: Maintenance duplication issue
- Improved the run completer to find all intervals within .015, then organize those runs by 60′ and choose the closest.
- Weather only edition to pros (Feature now built into all software)
- Temporary version to fix a texting issue over a single weekend (Do Not Use)
- Added C25 as a fuel option
- Improved Head Wind for ET prediction purposes
- Integrated the top category as a sticky category (should use Important)
- Bug Fix: Variable no longer duplicating when editing the variable name
- Implemented 42mm jet sizes for Mikuni carb
- Removed default run numbers from to and instead depend on Round entered
- Bug Fix: Default prediction method set in Cars now saves correctly
- Implemented a new Logbook widget that organizes your events and gives statistics on the overall event
- Implemented an expanded Mikuni Tuning section specifically for 33mm. 42mm coming soon.
- Incorporated a Start Timer and Stop Timer variable
- Bug Fix: Fixed the Find Run feature
- Bug Fix: Fixed the naming of the Predict tabs concerning multi-car
- Bug Fix: Jr Index will now text/page a negative number
- An open predict tab can now predict off of any new runs added in other tabs
- If a Predict tab is closed, it will no longer send prediction info for that car
- Default prediction method set in Cars should be remembered forever now
- Added formula Custom 1/8, Custom 1/4 and Custom Jr formulas
- Fixed the weather table headers not staying on the top when scrolling
- Fixed prediction not staying as default after modifying it
- Improved Enable Debug –> SOS feature to email for help
- Added T4 Racing Fuel
- Added ability to debug “emailbackup” for tech support
- Minor bug fixes
- Added ability to have different prediction formula values for head wind and tail wind
- Added run labels to the weather graphs
- Implemented a Database Backup & Restore feature
- Added the ability to use MaxJet sizes for Mikuni tuning program
- Added Tune Up baseline information memory
- Made limit page variables as a default of 4 instead of all
- Fixed the getTitleCase method to correctly strip out ‘ and /
- Fixed manually inputting the wind calculating the head wind
- Fixed var effect on et, shows 1/4 mile et correctly in left column now
- Fixed automatic run completion for 1/4 mile runs
- Added the ability to print a logbook page
- Added interval variables to 1/8 and 1/4 mile categories
- Created “Calculation” variable type that can calculate based on any math and other variables
- Added a Run to Run comparison feature that will mark red anything more than 0.5% beyond the value it’s comparing
- Added an expanded events note that is visible overtop of the logbook and also from the events widget
- Creating a new event now shows the new logbook page immediately (bug)
- Creating an event with an identical name no longer combines the old event (bug)
- Add Run now starts with the time a minute behind so a weather sample should be shown once clicked. User should still change time to whatever is on their ET slip
- Auto weather save now only saves one event per day
- Added pink, purple and orange as logbook colors
- Weather now autosaves each day
- Reduced unused space to fit 3 more logbook lines on screen
- Added up and down buttons to jump through logbook easier
- Fixed and improved Throttle Stop and Jr. Index dial in programs
- Note: This does require resetting your existing formulas. To do this, go to Settings, Debug Mode and typing in ‘resetformulas’ and hitting enable debug.
- Added ability to look up old weather data when adding a run
- Fixed some multi car issues
- Disabled changing tabs if a widget was open
- Improved head wind calculations
- Introduced Junior Index formula
- Major release to public
- Minor bug fixes
- Exclusive release to Computech customers
- RaceBase Logbook and Predict features introduced